The Henry County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted on Tuesday to grant additional real estate tax relief for certain elderly, disabled, and handicapped individuals. Residents who meet the criteria and have an annual income below $24,000 will now be eligible for a maximum exemption of $500.

“We understand the tough financial circumstances many of our residents face and we are committed to easing that burden whenever it’s feasible,” said Chairman Jim Adams. “Granting additional relief for our elderly and disabled residents was a goal outlined during this year’s budget planning process and thanks to the diligent work of our county staff, we were able to deliver on that promise.”
The Code of Virginia allows localities to provide tax relief for certain eligible residents. To qualify, residents must be older than the age of 65 or permanently disabled.
Previously, the threshold for Henry County residents to qualify was an income below $17,000 and the maximum exemption was $300. County staff expect these changes to have only a modest impact on the annual budget.
In other matters, the board:
- Amended the county’s transient occupancy tax ordinance to increase the rate from two percent to five percent, effective Jan. 1, 2024.
- Accepted a donation of approximately 120 acres of land, and its associated personal property, from EIDP, Inc. The land surrounds the Henry County Adult Detention Center and Public Safety headquarters, and is currently being leased by the county.
- Purchased approximately 7.5 acres adjacent to Fieldale Park for $11,775. The Textile Heritage Trail is located on this property.
- Approved an additional appropriation of $3,094,088 received from the Virginia Department of Emergency Management for the purchase of 12 emergency generators, and awarded site-specific contracts to Fidelity Power Systems, of Henrico, Va., for the purchases.
- Approved a donation of $25,000 received from the family and friends of Randolph Tyler Stone. The donation will help fund the preliminary work for Phase 7 of the Dick and Willie Passage.
- Awarded a contract in the amount of $118,926 to Sheehy Ford for three police interceptor utility vehicles for the Sheriff’s Office. • Approved an additional appropriation of $31,911 received from the Department of Justice for the purchase of bulletproof vests for the Sheriff’s Office.
- Approved an additional appropriation of $32,400 received from the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles grant for traffic enforcement by the Sheriff’s Office. • Approved an additional appropriation of $5,876 received from state asset forfeiture funds for the purchase of replacement office furniture for the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office.
- Approved an additional appropriation of $65,000 received from a Virginia Department of Emergency Management grant for stipends for 911 center employees. • Approved an additional appropriation of $3,000 received from a Virginia Department of Emergency Management grant for GIS software.
- Approved a contract with Fidelity Power Systems in the amount of $225,615 for the purchase and installation of emergency generators at the Oak Level and 10th Street, Fieldale water booster pump stations.
- Approved a contract with Shoulder Run Nutrient Bank in the amount of $90,000 to purchase the phosphorous credits necessary for grading Lot #2 at Commonwealth Crossing Business Centre.
- Selected Joe Bryant as Henry County’s voting representative at the 2023 Virginia Association of Counties Annual Business Meeting. Garrett Dillard was selected as the county’s alternate voting representative.
- Conducted a public hearing and approved a request to rezone approximately 5.6 acres of the Blackberry District from Rural Residential District (R-R) to Agricultural District (A-1). The applicant wishes to continue keeping chickens on the property.
- Conducted a public hearing and approved a request to rezone approximately 12.5 acres of the Blackberry District from Rural Residential District (R-R) to Agricultural District (A-1). The applicant wishes to market the property for potential agricultural purposes.
- Conducted a public hearing and approved a request to rezone approximately 3.42 acres of the Blackberry District from Mixed Residential District (M-R) to Agricultural District (A-1). The applicant wishes to build accessory structures on the property larger than what is allowed under its previous zoning.
- Conducted a public hearing and denied a request to rezone approximately 1.79 acres of the Reed Creek District from Industrial District (I-1) to Commercial District (B-1). The applicant wished to establish a restaurant in the existing building.
- Reappointed Richard Hall, Terry Cundiff, Nubby Coleman, and Gary Gibson to the Patriot Centre/CCBC Advisory Board for two-year terms set to expire on December 31, 2025.

*Approved the items of consent as presented.
*Heard the monthly report on the delinquent tax collection efforts.
*Heard an update from the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corporation.
*Approved designating Joe Bryant, of the Collinsville District, as the voting representative and Garrett Dillard, of the Iriswood District, as the alternate for the 2023 Virginia Association of Counties (VACO) annual business meeting.
*Heard from Information Systems Director Mark Alley about cyber security.
*Heard from Doug Stegall, of the Collinsville District, about the need for an overhead warning light at the intersection of Colonial Drive and Kings Mountain Road.
*Set a public hearing for Nov. 28, to consider a siting agreement with Rocky Ford Solar.