Six real estate agents with Rives S. Brown Realtors recently received top recognitions by the Rives S. Brown, Inc. Board of Directors for producing more than $1 million in sales in 2020.
“To say that I am proud of our million-dollar producers really is an understatement. Like most industries, the real estate market did not escape the negative effects of the global pandemic, but our agents met the challenge by establishing creative ways to continue to list and sell homes while staying safe and keeping our clients safe in the process,” said Rives Brown Coleman, President and Managing Broker.
The following three agents produced more than $1 million in sales and listings in 2020: Ramona Adams, Gina Ashbrook, and Tommy Wright. Ramona has 26 years of real estate experience, Gina has 22 years of real estate experience, and Tommy has worked in real estate for 45 years.
The following agents are multi-million-dollar producers for 2020: Beverley Coleman, Rives Brown Coleman, and Alice Elmore. Beverley has 20 years of experience in real estate. Rives has 25 years of experience. Alice has 33 years of real estate experience.
In addition to recognizing million-dollar producers, Rives S. Brown Realtors awarded Diamond Awards to two real estate agents who produced more than $4 million in sales: Beverley Coleman and Rives Brown Coleman. In addition, the 2020 Top Producer is Beverley Coleman with more than $9 million in sales.
“Beverley’s top recognition is proof of her work ethic and commitment to meeting the real estate needs of our clients. More importantly, Beverley’s efforts have allowed families to make life-changing decisions whether it was to sell or buy a home,” said Rives Brown Coleman.
Collectively our six recognized agents have more than 171 years of real estate experience. Rives S. Brown Realtors has supported the real estate needs of families and businesses for more than 93 years.
For more information, please contact Rives Brown at 276-732-2859 or rcoleman@rivessbrown.com.