Henry County Sheriff’s Maj. Wayne Davis emerged as a clear leader in campaign contributions among other candidates seeking the Henry County Sheriff’s post in the November election, according to recently filed campaign finance reports.
According to the Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP), staff are working to integrate the new information into its database. The information below is exactly as it was filed with the State Board of Elections:
Donald “Wayne” Davis Jr. had a starting balance of $4,295 on April 1. He collected $31,969 during the reporting period that ended June 8, according to online information. Donations included 57 cash contributions of more than $100, 47 cash contributions of less than $100, and eight in-kind contributions.
Top contributors included $2,000 from William R. Martin, $1,250 from Mark Davis, and $1,000 each from Zentmeyer Chiropractic, Donald Wayne Davis Jr., Meeks Recycling & Salvage LLC, Blue Ridge Aquaculture, Gracie R. Agnew, McKinney Heating & Air Conditioning LLC, Phillips Logistics Management Corp., William D. Martin.
The top in-kind donors of more than $100 included William D. Martin, $1,000; Albert Lane Perry, $750; Mitchell Turner, $260 and Daniel L. Harold, $240.
Davis spent a total of $19,420, including itemized expenses totaling $16,720 and in-kind expenses of $2,700. Itemized expenses indicate that Davis paid $8,415 to Print & Pack Sense LLC; $2,623 to Piedmont Printing & Graphics, $2,000 to Forest Park Country Club, and a total of $2,211 to Ridgeway Signs & Trophies Inc.
Davis spent a total of $19,420 during the period and reported a June 8 ending balance of $16,843.
Daryl L. Hatcher had a zero balance on April 1. He reported collecting five cash contributions of more than $100, one cash contribution of less than $100, four in-kind contributions of more than $100, and one in-kind contribution of less than $100.
Top donors were Giles Smith, $1,578; Daryl L. Hatcher, $1,000, Mark D. Hatcher, $526; Heather Ashe and Keith Bishop, with a $105 donation each. In kind donations of more than $100 were from Daryl L. Hatcher, including $845, $348, $280, and $240, according to the online report.
Hatcher spent $1,799 on in-kind expenses and paid a total of $29 in itemized expenses ($27 and $3, respectively) to American National Bank & Trust.
He ended the period on June 8 with a balance of $3,285, the report showed.
Del Mills had a $2,391 starting balance on April 1. According to the report, Mills collected $3,638 during the reporting period, including four cash contributions of more than $100, and one cash contribution of $100 or less.
Top contributors were David Wright, $1,437; Del Gregory Mills, with a total of $1,600, and Candy Perkins, $501, the report showed.
Mills spent a total of $4,336 during the period. Itemized expenses include $1,348 for “service printing,” and a total of $2,989 during the reporting period listed as “build a sign.”
Mills ended the period with $1,692 on hand, the report indicated.
In other contests:
Commissioner of the Revenue
The four candidates in the race for the Commissioner of the Revenue post also filed reports.
Adrianne Bowyer reported a zero balance on May 14, with $5,610 collected between May 16 and June 8, including five cash contributions of more than $100, three cash contributions of less than $100, and a loan from David Stanley Bowyer of $3,660.
Top contributors included $500 from Candy and Shane Perkins, $500 from James Peters, $250 from Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bowling, $250 from Samuel Pearman, and $200 from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts.
Bowyer reported spending a total of $5,524 for itemized expenses that included $5,524 to Print & Pack Sense LLC.
Bowyer’s ending balance was $85, according to the online information.
Dallas Hairston reported a starting balance of $17 on April 1, and receipts of $5,114 through June 8, including seven cash contributions of more than $100, 23 cash contributions of less than $100, two in-kind contributions of more than $100, and one in-kind contribution of less than $100.
Top contributors included Dallas D. Hairston, a total of $1,770; Renado Hairston, $250; James C. Richardson Jr., $200; Michael Palmer and Mary Ann Mason each contributed $150, and Weldon Reynolds contributed $101.
Dallas Hairston’s itemized expenses included a total of $1,220 to Super Cheap Signs, $250 to Howell’s Wholesale, $162 to Transfer Express, $153 to Banners On The Cheap, and $128 to Sign Depot.
Dallas Hairston spent a total of $3,820 during the reporting period, with an ending balance of $1,311 reported.
Tiffany Hairston reported a starting balance of $18 on May 3, and receipts totaling $3,536 during the reporting period that ended June 8.
She reported three cash contributions of more than $100, one cash contribution of less than $100, five in-kind contributions of more than $100, and two in-kind contributions totaling less than $100.
Top contributors were Tiffany Hairston, with a total of $440, and Vesharn Scales, with $200.
Tiffany Hairston’s expenses were $3,125 total, with itemized expenses that included a total of $330 paid to Tiffany Hairston. In-kind expenses totaled $2,795, according to the report.
Tiffany Hairston reported an ending balance of $429, according to online information.
Blake Minter reported a starting balance of $2,130 on April 1, and receipts of $1,700 collected through June 8 from four cash contributions of more than $100.
Blake Taylor Minter was the top contributor, with a total of $1,700 donated.
Minter’s expenses totaled $2,651 for the period – all for itemized expenses that included a total of $2,569 to Brand Builders LLC, a total of $77 to Quantum Copy LLC, and a total of $6 to American National Bank & Trust.
Minter ended the period with a balance of $1,179, the report showed.
In the contested race for Treasurer:
Michael Minter reported a starting balance of $5,722 on April 1, and two cash contributions of more than $100 during the period, with $200 from B. Manly Boyd III and $150 from Sharon Stork.
Total expenses were $2,282, including $2,279 to Brand Builders LLC and $3 to American National Bank & Trust.
Minter ended the period with a balance of $3,789, according to the report.
David Wayne Moore reported $100 on April 1.
He received contributions totaling $1,105, including two cash contributions of more than $100 from Patsy Moore or $175 and $100. Minter reported 11 cash contributions of $100 or less.
Moore spent a total of $1,070 in itemized expenses that included $661 to Signs on the Cheap, a total of $305 to Banners on the Cheap, and $104 to Rural King.
He reported an ending balance of $134.
Incumbent Scott Grindstaff did not file a report.