Henry County Sheriff’s Office Deputies, with the assistance of officers from the Martinsville City Police Department, executed a narcotics search warrant at 1780 Stultz Road, Martinsville, on October 22.

During the execution of the search warrant, unlawfully possessed prescription pills, numerous firearms, and over one pound of marijuana were seized. There was evidence that narcotics had been shipped to and from this residence.
Quinton Lamar Jones, 32, of 1780 Stultz Road, Martinsville, is being held with no bond in the Henry County Adult Detention Center on charges of possession of Schedule II controlled substance (oxycontin), possession of firearm while in possession of Schedule II substance, and possession of more than one pound of marijuana with intent to distribute, according to a release from Henry County Sheriff Wayne Davis.
Anyone with information about narcotic trafficking operations is asked to contact the Henry County Sheriff’s Office at (276) 638-8751 or Crimestoppers at 63- CRIME (632-7463). Rewards of up to $2,500 are offered through the Crimestoppers Program for information related to crimes. The nature of the crime and the substance of the information provided determine the amount of reward paid.