The Martinsville City School Board recently heard an update on the Martinsville Henry County Chamber of Commerce’s Education Foundation.

At its meeting last week, the board heard from Sharon Shepherd, deputy director of the Martinsville Henry County Chamber of Commerce, and executive director of the chamber’s Education Foundation. The foundation is supported by two fundraisers annually, a Bike Ride in August and Golfing for Education in November. “And we do accept donations,” Shepherd said.
The foundation’s three primary programs are the Partnership in Excellence (or PIE) grants, the Reading for Life program, and Leadership Scholarships, which support teachers and schools, she said.
The board also heard a resolution about ways to prevent/report bullying, and to bring awareness to bullying during October, which is Bullying Prevention Month.
*Approved Special Education Advisory Committee members.
* Learned that the Martinsville High School Band is again selling band fruit as its fundraiser. Most of the ordering can be done online, with orders accepted through the middle of November. Fruit is expected to arrive in time for the holidays. To place an order, visit