Between a long list of accomplishments for the first quarter of fiscal year 2023 and a slight increase in enrollment, P&HCC is hopeful for what’s to come.
At its Sept. 19 meeting, Vice President of Academic and Student Success Services Dr. Chris Wikstrom informed the P&HCC Board that the school has seen a slight increase in enrollment for the past two terms.
“We wrapped up summer on a good note, a positive note, with a 3.8% increase in enrollment, so that was an excellent sign of things to come,” Wikstrom said. “At this point, we’ve exceeded projections for fall enrollment. Right now, we’re up 2.7%.”
Wikstrom added that a large portion of this increase was made up of dual enrollment students, but that the non-dual enrollment population was still up by 1%. He is hopeful that this increase will only continue with the second 8-week term.
P&HCC President Dr. Greg Hodges eagerly added, “This is the first time in four years and only the second time in 10 years that we’ve been able to say, year over year, enrollment has increased on the academic side. We are thrilled. Hopefully, we’re getting back to what we think is a pre-pandemic norm for us here at Patrick & Henry.”
Hodges also pointed out some accomplishments that the college has already seen for fiscal year 2023.
Some of these accomplishments include the launching of a CDL program, with courses designed for both full time students and career switchers; the 5th class of SEED students exceeding the college’s goal of 250 students, with 261 students in the cohort; receiving multiple sources of funding for cost of attendance expenses; and the earning of a “very prestigious national award,” the details of which will be announced soon.
In other matters, the Board:
*Approved the minutes of the July 11 meeting.
*Heard an update on the budget and finances.
*Approved the updated Drug and Alcohol Use Prevention policy.
*Approved the Fiscal Year 2023 Local Funds Budget as amended.
*Heard an update on Workforce, Economic, and Community Development.
*Heard an update on Athletics.