Patrick & Henry Community College (P&HCC) is one of nine institutions selected by a panel of students as a recipient of the Advising Success Network (ASN) Student Choice Award for Holistic Advising. This award recognizes postsecondary institutions whose holistic advising redesign efforts reflect a commitment to the inclusion of the student voices and perspectives. Along with the ASN recognition, P&HCC receives $5,000 made by NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education to support student voice and engagement efforts.

“Funds from the award would be allocated to expanding student engagement initiatives and addressing food insecurity on campus. Enhancing student engagement and fostering a sense of connection to the campus community are crucial for improving retention,” said Meghan Eggleston, P&HCC’s dean of student success, adding, “To meet these needs, the college aims to focus on organizing events specifically designed for special populations, helping them build stronger connections with both the campus and their peers.”
In January 2023, P&HCC established the Student Success Division and adopted a tiered holistic advising model aimed at fostering trust and collaboration between students and advisors to enhance student success. The division integrates Admissions, Advising, Financial Aid, The Student Success Center, TRIO programs, and Dual Enrollment, streamlining their efforts to improve the student experience. P&HCC students can meet with advisors and coaches by phone, in-person, via zoom, or via email.
P&HCC has Tier 1 advisors stationed across campus to ensure students can easily access help. These advisors generally support students through their first 15 credits and may specialize in specific areas such as Health Sciences, Technical Studies, International Students, and Athletes. Tier 1 advisors often meet students early in their academic journey and provide continuous support throughout their time at the college. While Tier 2 advisors focus on academic and career guidance within specific disciplines, Tier 1 advisors continue to support students throughout their academic journey. They assist with course substitutions, enrollment, financial aid, and connect students with comprehensive support services such as tutoring, the food pantry, laptop loaner programs, and emergency funds.
P&HCC’s College Success Coach program offers specialized assistance, particularly for first-generation college students. The Student Success Center features a variety of resources, including a food pantry, meal voucher coupons for campus dining, a clothing closet with interview attire, a textbook lending library, a laptop loaner program, an internet hotspot loaner program, and an emergency fund for unforeseen expenses.
Advising and student support services are essential to students’ progress in college. Advising is often one of the only regular, structured, and focused touchpoints that institutions have with their students. When done well, advising has been proven to be one of the most significant determinants of students’ success. Strong advising environments can provide a safe space within higher education where students’ voices and motivations can be heard, personal stories can be shared, and campus climate issues can be unearthed, particularly for racially minoritized and poverty-affected students. Recently, the term holistic advising – looking at students through not only a purely academic lens, but rather as a whole person – has become a central design element in student support services.
The Student Choice Awards for Holistic Advising recognize postsecondary institutions that have undergone holistic advising redesign efforts supported by cross-functional teams and centering student experiences to increase completion and success indicators for Black, Latino/a/x, Indigenous, Asian, and Pacific Islander students and poverty-affected students. Student reviewers will present these awards to institutions that demonstrate a commitment to the inclusion of student voices and perspectives.