Martinsville City Council and the Martinsville Land Bank Authority passed a resolution on July 11 to support plans for an 80-unit Holiday Inn Express that will be built at the former National Guard Armory.
The property, located at 315 W. Commonwealth Boulevard, was deeded to the city in October after being declared surplus by the state. Since then, several inquiries have been made about its potential use.
In April, a request for proposals was issued to seek development options. City staff recommended that the council proceed with a proposal from Kayak Hotels, LLC, for the development of approximately 3.5 acres of the property.
Kalpak Shah, CEO of the Kayak Hotels Group, presented plans for the hotel project, estimating a $10 to $12 million investment from the company. Projected estimates include a $125,000 cost per guest room. Each room will include a refreshment zone, with an under-counter refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker and extra supplies. Also, among the design features, units will include strategically placed room lighting and a large window to maximize sunlight, according to the presentation.
Lit mirrors in the bathroom will offer “fresh illumination that is both welcoming and functional,” while a groutless tub/shower will be easier to maintain, according to the presentation.
The great room will provide comfortable and flexible seating, as well as a TV feature wall, which will add texture to the space as well as create comfort and intimacy.
The market, situated in a visible location, will include a full-size refrigerator and freezer to allow space for a variety of items. Base cabinets that are used for extra storage can be locked for security purposes. A coffee and tea bar will be placed outside the main breakfast space to reduce congestion. Operable doors to the breakfast area allow the breakfast bar space to be closed off when not in use.
Long term, the anticipated job creation will include a General Manager, Sales Manager, Front Desk Supervisor, Front Desk Clerks, Executive Housekeeper, Housekeepers, Maintenance Engineer, Houseman, Breakfast Hosts and a Laundry Person.
Other benefits to the local economy include subcontractors, local labor for construction, purchase of materials, and professional engineers. In addition to the more than $220,000 in annual tax revenue the hotel is expected to generate once completed (based on a 65% occupancy rate), it also will solve the area’s shortage of rooms.
The building will have four floors and 108 parking spaces, with a fitness center and an indoor pool, multiple site entrances and a Porte-cochere (type of portico) to provide a welcoming entry to the hotel.
Optional features include a patio to extend the great room space and flex meeting space.