Four Ridgeway residents announced their intention to seek the interim Ridgeway district school board seat left vacant by the passing of Francis Zehr.
The four are Champ Hardie, Japhet LeGrant, Sidney McClure, and Morris Tinch.
The selected interim member will serve on the school board from September 1 to November 30, until an elected member is chosen by the community in the November 8 election.
The candidates will have their voter status verified by the Henry County Registrar, as all candidates must be registered voters in the Ridgeway District. Interim candidates will be interviewed by the school board at 5 p.m. on Monday, August 22 in the School Board meeting room on the 3rd floor of the Henry County Administration Building. The candidate selected to fill the position will be announced later in the week.

Ridgeway voters who are interested in having their name on the Nov. 8 ballot must receive the required number of support signatures to be considered. For additional questions, call Henry County Registrar Dawn Stultz-Vaughn at (276) 634-4698 or visit the Registrar’s Office, located at 3300 Kings Mountain Road, Collinsville.