The Martinsville City Council heard recommendations from the Martinsville Transportation Committee at its August 22 meeting.

Committee chairman Michael Sanguedolce said the volunteer organization has four locations it believes need attention for the safety of residents.
“We discussed the possibility that vehicles on Memorial (Boulevard) want to make a right turn on red going onto Fayette Street would cross over Church Street where possibly green light traffic is,” he said.
Sanguedolce said the suggestion is a no right turn on red sign on Memorial Boulevard heading north for traffic trying to turn right onto either Church Street or Fayette Street
“Just to avoid future situations there of crossing two lanes of possibly oncoming traffic,” he said.
The second recommendation is at the intersection of Wilson Street and Woodrow Street where there’s a three-point corner.
“There’s a stop sign on one corner, but not the other two. The two signs being suggested are one on Wilson going towards Woodrow and one on Wilson that would bring you down to Memorial. It’s just a bad situation. Cars coming up and down that road very quickly, and really, it’s a tight turn and difficult to see,” he said.
Sanguedolce said improvements to the pavement at the corner crosswalk at Brookdale Street and Carilion Way is needed as it’s very uneven.

He believes this is important as many elderly and those that have mobility-limiting issues live in the nearby Spruce Village Apartments.
“The sidewalk and crosswalk there is very uneven, the road is very uneven, there have been numerous falls and trips and carts going over not only observed and photographed by members of our committee who live in that area, but also by local police who have assisted members,” he said.
The last recommendation is on Peters Street, a one-way street off W. Church Street, that has cars parked on both sides of the street.
“If they don’t pull tight to the curb, it makes it almost impossible for another car to pass up the middle of the road. The suggestion was to limit parking to one side of Peters,” he said.
In other matters, the council:
*Heard from interim city manager Glen Adams that Keith Holland was hired as the city’s Community Development Director.
*Approved a resolution for the ANCHOR Commission regarding the ANCHOR/Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act and authorized Mayor LC Jones to sign it.
*Heard from John Ferman about the city’s kudzu issue.
*Approved the joint resolution with Henry County regarding the proposed amended and restated revenue sharing agreements and authorized Jones to sign it.
*Heard an update on the search for a new city manager. The council plans to hold the interviews for the seven candidates soon.
*Approved the requested changes to the organizational structure and hiring of new positions.