The Henry County School Board honored the life of Francis Zehr with a resolution.
Zehr served on the school board for three terms and was still serving at the time of his death in July.
The resolution passed by the board at its Nov. 3 meeting, pays “tribute to the life and memory of Mr. Francis E. Zehr,” who was described as “straightforward, passionate, and direct.”
The resolution noted that Zehr was “highly esteemed by his colleagues, friends, and students, and recognized by them as an invaluable asset to the school system, the school board, and to the community, leaves a legacy that spans generations in the students and colleagues he taught, challenged and inspired.”
Instead of asking for a show of hands among members in favor of the resolution, board chairman Tom Auker, of the Blackberry District, asked consenting members to stand.
A framed copy of the resolution was presented to Francis Zehr’s wife, Karen Zehr.
In other matters, the board:
* Recognized November as ‘Take You Legislator to School’ month. Ninth District U.S. Rep. Morgan Griffith, R-Salem, will speak at the Fieldale-Collinsville Middle School and State Sen. Bill Stanley, R-Moneta, is scheduled to visit the Career Academy in March. County Administrator Dale Wagoner and Deputy County Administrator JR Powell will tour the schools this month.
* Awarded a contract of $3,014,036 to KNA Contracting, Inc. of Wirtz, Virginia, for additional renovations to the HVAC system at Bassett High School. The repairs will be in high volume areas at the front of the building.
* Considered a draft of the 2023-24 school year calendar, which was made after consulting with various committees. The calendar features a 176-day school year, a later start than usual and other changes. The calendar is scheduled for approval at a later meeting.
* Approved a $1,000 bonus for school employees effective Dec. 8, using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.
* Proposed revisions to the school board policy to remain in compliance.
* Heard and update on ESSER funds.
* Heard an update from JROTC.
* Heard the Superintendent’s report.
* Approved the consent agenda as presented.