Henry County Public Schools superintendent Dr. Sandy Strayer will retire in July, after 31 years as an educator. Strayer plans to focus more time on her family and to pursue avenues to continue to support her community and education.
“It has been a privilege to serve as part of the school system in Henry County,” Strayer said. “I am forever grateful for the opportunities and experiences I have had as an educator in our community over the years and for the support and collaboration provided by so many colleagues and community members. I feel blessed to have worked with so many extraordinary people – many who have provided motivation for the work I have been privileged to lead.
“The students, staff, parents, community members, and school board have enriched my life and these relationships will continue to be of great value to me,” she added.
The school board will begin a search for the next superintendent soon, according to Teddy Martin II, chairman of the Henry County School Board.
Because Strayer’s announcement was recent, “we haven’t fully finalized” the search process yet, but will determine the next steps in the process soon, with the goal of filling the post by July 1.
“I think Dr. Strayer’s intention of giving us that information now,” months ahead of her planned departure was to give the board time to conduct a search and hire the best-suited candidate, Martin said, and added that he believes the division will have a slate of qualified applicants outside and inside the division.
In making its final selection, “we will try to do what’s best for the division and the community,” Martin said, and noted Strayer’s influence throughout the division.
“Dr. Strayer’s leadership has ensured continued growth for Henry County Public Schools. Her high expectations for academic achievement and behavior, as well as her ongoing work to improve salaries and working conditions for division employees, has solidified HCPS as a great place to work and learn,” Martin said. “We are certainly grateful for her long-term dedication to the school community and wish her well as she begins this new chapter.”
A graduate of Drewry Mason High School, Strayer joined the county school division in 1992 as a teacher at Bassett High School and remained there until 2001. She served as assistant principal at Fieldale Collinsville High School from 2001-2004 and was assistant principal at Bassett High School during the 2004-2005 school year.
In 2005, she became principal at Collinsville Primary School and remained there until 2010, when she became director of secondary instruction and career and technical education, a position she held for three years before moving into the role of director of K-12 instruction. In 2014, she was named Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning and assumed the role of Assistant Superintendent of Operations and Administration in 2017. She served as acting Superintendent from July-November 2018 when she was named to the superintendent role.