The Henry County Board of Supervisors took action at its Nov. 22 meeting to provide tax relief for residents on their 2022 personal property taxes.
Based on information provided by Commissioner of Revenue Linda Love, the board decided to waive the motor vehicle license fee on vehicles and motorcycles for one year. The fee equates to $20.75 per vehicle registered in the county.
The Board also chose to apply the $1.55 personal property tax on only 90 percent of the assessed value of the vehicle, lowering the overall amount residents would have to pay.
“We recognize the financial strain that our residents are already under from inflation at the gas pump and grocery store,” said Jim Adams, board chairman. “We know how stressful these expenses can be on the average citizen, especially with the holidays around the corner. This board is committed to helping alleviate that financial burden whenever we can, and to that end, we have decided to provide relief on this year’s personal property taxes.”
County staff does not expect the relief to affect budgeted revenues for the current fiscal year due to the assessment values on used cars being higher than in prior years.
In addition to granting tax relief, the Board also extended the deadline to pay personal property taxes until Feb. 5 to account for a delay in the bills being mailed out to residents.
In other matters, the board on Tuesday:
*Approved an additional appropriation of $769,673.07 requested by the Henry County School Board to provide a $1,000 bonus payment for each Standards of Quality funded instructional and support position within the school system.
*Awarded an $829,837 contract to Aviat Networks for upgrades to the existing emergency communications microwave network. The Sheriff’s Office, Department of Public Safety and volunteer fire and rescue departments use the system for two-way radio communication.
*Approved the disbursement of $201,392 in Virginia Fire Program funds to the Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Department to purchase a new tanker-style fire truck from FESCO Emergency Sales.
*Awarded a $19,900 contract to CHA Consulting, Inc., to help with the mitigation of the primary and backup electrical systems from the Henry County jail.
*Approved the carryover of committed funds from the fiscal year (FY) 2022 budget to the FY23 budget. The funds are for items encumbered or obligated from the prior budget, but the item was not received, or the service was not performed before June 30, 2022. This year’s carryover request totals $48,637,888.54.
*Approved the 2023 Legislative Agenda for the Virginia General Assembly.
*Approved a resolution waiving the comprehensive plan review for the Michaux Solar Project that was approved for a special use permit by the Board of Zoning Appeals on January 27, 2021.
*Set a public hearing for Dec. 13 to receive comments on the amendment of Henry County Code Section 6-202 – Fees, to add subsection (J) Solar Fees. This subsection will establish a consistent fee schedule for the issuance of solar building permits.
*Reappointed Mandy Brannock and Christy Spencer to the ANCHOR Commission to four-year terms scheduled to end Dec. 31, 2026. The Board also appointed Carol Henderson to the ANCHOR Commission to a four-year term scheduled to end Dec. 31, 2026.
*Approved a resolution honoring Terri Cook as she prepares to retire after 32 years of service to the Commissioner of Revenue’s Office.
*Recognized the winning teams from the Parks & Recreation fall sports programs.