The Martinsville High School Band Boosters have created a scholarship in memory of Ms. Latanya Billups.
To raise money for the scholarship, the Boosters are hosting an Adult Field Day on March 16, from 12 noon – 2 p.m. in the football stadium at Martinsville High School.
Billups was part of the MCPS family for much of her life. A graduate of Martinsville High School, Billups eventually returned to work for the school division. She was a fixture at Friday night football games, and was deeply devoted to her work with the MAVAHI Marching Band.
In March 2023, she travelled with the band to Orlando, FL where they were scheduled to perform in a parade at Disney World. While on the trip, she passed away unexpectedly. The students and band directors chose to remain and march in the parade in her honor, dedicating their performance to her memory.
With this scholarship, Billups legacy and dedication to the MAVAHI band will continue. Funds will be given each year to support one or more graduating members of the band as they begin the next chapter of their life. The Adult Field Day will be the first fundraising event for this new scholarship.
Field Day teams will consist of 10 members (must include 4 males, 4 females, and 2 extra). Tickets for the event will be $10 at the door. Students will be $5.
Games include:
*Relay Races
*Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes
*Dodge Ball
*Tug- Of-War
*Balloon Pop
*Potato Sack Race
*Egg Spoon Race
The cost for each team is $100 ($10 per team member). Team registration can be found on the band’s website at