The 5th annual Michael C. Jarrett Basketball Clinic will be held July 24-25, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Martinsville-Henry County Family YMCA.

The clinic is for boys and girls, aged 6 to 16 years old. Each year, coaches with a gifted specialty for the sport contribute their knowledge and skills.
Coaches include:
*George Bell, former Globetrotter, television and screen actor. All participants have an opportunity to get their photo taken with Bell.
*Bill Adkins, a former basketball player at Carver High School and Averett College, Adkins has assisted boys and girls basketball at Carlisle School for 15 years.
*David Cunningham, who has played baseball and football at Guilford College, coaches upward basketball and has coached baseball at Carlisle School.
The camp includes teaching fundamentals of basketball, amazing skilled coaches for instruction, discount when you register for both days, opportunity to take a photo with George Bell and adjustable goals for younger participants.
The camp costs $20 per day, or $30 for both days.
For more information, call Jarrett at (757) 237-2644 or email him at