Martinsville City Public School's Performing Arts Academy aims to help students hone-in on their creative and performing skills while also...
Henry County School Board members and school administrators presented a resolution honoring the life of board member Francis Zehr to...
The center has many large, multipurpose rooms that can be used for a wide range of activities. Efforts continue to...
Newly elected Martinsville City Council members Aaron Rawls (left) and LC Jones (right), celebrate their victory with council member Tammy...
Henry County Sheriff’s investigators are seeking information that will help resolve an animal cruelty case, according to a release. On...
The School Board of Henry County approved a recommendation by Superintendent Sandy Strayer to fill two administrative positions at a...
For the fifth year, the Martinsville-Henry County Economic Development Corp. (EDC) will sponsor its Dine Small campaign on Small Business...
Star of the stage Janinah Burnett will be sharing her vocal talents as the guest soloist at this concert event....
The Martinsville-Henry County Historical Society will host its monthly Sunday Afternoon Lecture series, “April 1865: Danville, Martinsville, and the End...