Renee Brown, principal of Albert Harris Elementary School, has achieved a significant milestone in her career. Brown has earned her Doctor of Education and Leadership policy studies from Virginia Tech, joining the ranks of MCPS employees who have a terminal degree in their field.
A graduate of Martinsville High School, Brown has spent much of her professional life with Martinsville City Public Schools.
“My passion for educating and supporting all students’ success has been shaped over many years of serving the Martinsville school system,” Brown said. She has been with MCPS for thirty-two years, including five as principal of AHES. Previously, she served as an elementary teacher, business and computer technology teacher, and assistant principal.
“Serving in each capacity has strengthened my resolve to ensure every student’s success by providing the best instructional practices and support for learning,” Brown said.
Originally from Brooklyn, New York, Brown was raised in Martinsville by her grandparents because her mother felt that Martinsville would be a better place to learn the values needed for a successful life.
After graduating from MHS, Brown went on to earn degrees in business administration from WinstonSalem University, psychology from Radford University, and administration and supervision from the University of Virginia.
Apart from her outstanding professional achievements, Dr. Brown is an active member of the Martinsville-Henry County community. She is a member of First Baptist Church of East Martinsville, the Winston-Salem State Alumni Association, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., and the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society. Her hobbies include reading, shopping, visiting a wide variety of restaurants, and spending quality time with friends and family, including her husband of 23 years Jeffrey Brown, daughter Savannah Brown, bonus daughter JaShanta Brown, and bonus granddaughter Eden Mims.