Registration is currently under way for the youth baseball and softball season with a registration deadline of March 12.
Henry County will waive registration fees for both sports, which means children can play for free.
“We are very excited to resume our youth sports programs and provide these leagues that so many children enjoy,” said Roger Adams director of Parks and Recreation for Henry County. “Participating in athletics has a positive impact on the physical and mental health of our youth, and we are excited to move forward.”
Six different leagues are offered for boys and girls from ages 7 – 14 (ages as of August 31, 2021).
The registration fee will be waived for baseball and softball this year as an extra incentive to get children back outside playing and exercising.
Certain protocols will be in place to help keep participants and fans healthy during league play. These guidelines will be provided to the coaches and parents before practice begins in April.
All parents who register their child for the spring sports leagues will be expected to follow these guidelines and ensure that their child does also. Failure to do so could jeopardize the continuation of each league.
Anyone seeking more information about youth spring sports or any park or recreation program in Henry County can contact the Henry County Parks and Recreation Office at (276) 634-4640