Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time once again for America’s favorite newspaper-based game show, Who Said It? I’m your host, Ben R. Williams.
Thank you, thank you. Seriously, that’s too much. You’re all beautiful.
Now, the rules of Who Said It? are quite simple. I’m going to provide you with a quote from a famous person, and after you read it, you need to guess who said the quote. Sounds easy enough, right? Let’s start off with a softball:
“… this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
Who said it? That’s right; Abraham Lincoln! This is a portion of the last line from his famous Gettysburg Address from 1864.
Now, let’s pick a more recent quote. Can you guess who said it?
“God is on our side. The blood has been applied. We are going straight into victory. You are all more than conquerers through God, through Christ who strengthens you every step of the way. … We need God back at the center of our country. It’s time for us to position ourselves, and rise up, and take our place in Christ, and influence this nation as we were called to do.”
Who Said It?
If you guessed Colorado’s 3rd District Republican Representative Lauren Boebert, you’re correct! Boebert said this as part of an hour-long speech at Charis Bible College on Sept. 9!
How many points do you have so far? Let’s see if you can get another!
“Christians stand at the head of this country. I pledge that I never will tie myself to parties who want to destroy Christianity. … We want to fill our culture with the Christian spirit. … We want to burn out the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theater, and in the press — in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of liberal excess.”
Who Said It?
If you guessed Lauren Boebert … you’re wrong! You can read the whole quote in “The Speeches of Adolf Hitler,” 1922-1939. Who’s up next?
“We know that we are in the last of the last days. It’s not a time to get upset about it. It’s a time to know that you were called to be a part of these last days. You get to have a role in ushering in the second coming of Jesus.”
If you guessed Adolf Hitler … then sorry, I tricked you! This one was Boebert again, quoted from that same event.
Let’s keep going!
“But what … the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven wants is to offer you their Kingdom, which they very systematically do, periodically. But it requires that when they do, you listen to them, and that you do what they require.”
Who said it? Boebert? Hitler?
Sorry! This one is a bit of a wild card; it was actually Marshall Applewhite, one of the founders of the Heaven’s Gate cult, those wacky folks who committed mass suicide back in ‘97 so they could go to Heaven in a UFO hidden in the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet. Give yourself double points if you got that one!
All right, it’s time for the bonus round: one of the following quotes is from Lauren Boebert, spoken the day of the attempted Capitol insurrection on 1/6/21. The other quote is from Adolf Hitler on the day of the Beer Hall Putsch, the attempted Nazi coup d’état that took place in Munich in November 1923. Which is which?
- “I have constituents outside this building right now. I promised my voters to be their voice.”
- “The national revolution has begun. Six hundred armed men are occupying this hall.”
Who Said It?
The answer: Eh, who can tell? Just give yourself a point.