Two men are awaiting extradition to Henry County after an alleged Dec. 12 incident in Ridgeway, according to a release from the Henry County Sheriff’s Office.

Diagano Bellano, 49, of 415 Virginia St., Martinsville, and Thomas Eugene Doran, 67, of 3615 Cash Drive, Winston-Salem, N.C. were arrested on Dec. 13, in Winston-Salem, N.C. in connection with an alleged burglary and robbery at Kings Court Motel, 6570 Greensboro Road, Ridgeway.

William Gray Phillips, 39, of Ridgeway, told authorities that around 9 p.m., two men broke the door open and entered his motel room.
Phillips alleged he was assaulted by one of the men and suffered minor injuries.
After taking a cell phone, tablet, computer, television, Bluetooth speaker and $15 in U.S. currency, the men allegedly left the motel and fled in a vehicle.
Bellano and Doran each were charged with felony counts of break and enter with intent to commit robbery, robbery and grand larceny in connection with the Dec. 12 incident, according to the release. Each of the two men also were charged with a misdemeanor count of petty larceny.
The two are currently being held in North Carolina, while awaiting extradition to Henry County.
Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact the Henry County Sheriff’s Office at 276-638-8751 or Crimestoppers at 63-CRIME (632-7463). The Crimestoppers Program offers rewards up to $2,500 for information related to crime. The nature of the crime and the substance of the information determine the amount of reward paid.