Just recently, a federal Grand Jury handed down 37 indictments (in a row) against former President Donald Trump relating to his mishandling of government documents after his presidency. The lion’s share of these indictments fall under the Espionage Act, and this situation marks the first time in history that a U.S. President has been federally indicted.
However, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham offered a stirring defense of Trump in a Sunday interview with George Stephanopoulos. Graham, who once said that “if we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed … and we will deserve it,” pointed out that former President Trump “is not a spy.”
Graham magnanimously allowed that Trump did some things wrong — hey, pobody’s nerfect — but you know who hadn’t gotten their day in court yet?
You guessed it: Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden.
Now admittedly, Hillary Clinton received intense scrutiny for her use of an unsecured private email server, but she was never “locked up” despite that being one of Trump’s campaign promises. Hunter Biden, on the other hand, may or may not have owned a laptop that may or may not have had something incriminating on it.
I have no love for Sen. Lindsey Graham, and I think this is a pure and simple case of projection and whataboutism. But never let it be said that I’m a partisan hack. I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is.
And that’s why I’m not voting for Hillary Clinton or Hunter Biden.
I realize that may seem extreme, but I’m sticking to my guns. When I go to the ballot box in November, neither Hillary Clinton nor Hunter Biden will be able to count on my vote.
Please don’t try to dissuade me; my mind is made up.
I’ll admit, both Clinton and Hunter Biden have qualities I quite admire. I admire Clinton’s ability to endure 11 hours of questioning about Benghazi without ever dropping a single expletive, much less one of the really forbidden ones. And I admire Hunter Biden’s ability to be a 53 year old man who just had photos leaked of him nudely doing drugs with other naked people. As someone staring down the barrel of 40, it’s comforting to know that the fun doesn’t have to stop as we grow older.
Nonetheless, I’ll never vote for either one.
You know what? I’ll take it a step further. I hope they experience the exact same legal standards as Donald Trump. That’s right: if an impartial jury determines that either Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden, or both are guilty of state or federal crimes, I hope they’re punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Why wouldn’t I hope for that? It’s not like I worship Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden. I don’t own any clothing advertising my love of Hillary Clinton or Hunter Biden. I don’t have Hillary Clinton or Hunter Biden flags flapping in front of the house. I don’t care if they go to prison for crimes they were found guilty of by a jury of their peers.
In any case, they’ve both lost my vote for good. I mean, can you imagine if Hillary Clinton and Hunter Biden were convicted of some sort of espionage and I ended up supporting a traitor and a weird pervert?
That would be downright unAmerican.