QuickStart Tennis of Central Virginia, Inc. (QCV) donated books and FUN giveaways, including Go Bananas! cards, mini reading rubber duckies, and banana-scented bookmarks to 80 preschoolers at Clearview Early Learning Center in the City of Martinsville, thanks to the generosity of the Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia.
“The staff and students of Clearview Early Learning Center would like to say thank you once again for the generous book donation to our students,” said Sheilah Williams, director of Clearview Early Childhood Center and School Nutrition Services. “To say our students were excited doesn’t do it justice. We heard giggles and squeals of joy in each classroom. Thank you again for including our school in this program and appreciate your generosity and support of our students and families.”
April M. Haynes, Regional Vice President at the Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia, added that “the Community Foundation recognizes the importance of teaching and encouraging young children to read, and we are thrilled to support the partnership between QuickStart Tennis of Central Virginia and Clearview Early Learning Center to put books in the hands of young readers.”
QuickStart Tennis of Central Virginia is an all-volunteer, grassroots Community Tennis Association established in 2009 as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization to promote, develop and grow QuickStart Tennis in the heart of Virginia for all beginners, especially underserved youth, using the kid-sized QuickStart Tennis format. QCV’s service area includes Albemarle, Amelia, Appomattox, Brunswick, Buckingham, Charlotte, Culpeper, Cumberland, Dinwiddie, Fluvanna, Franklin, Greene, Greensville, Halifax, Henry, Louisa, Lunenburg, Madison, Mecklenburg, Nelson, Nottoway, Orange, Patrick Pittsylvania, Prince Edward, Powhatan and Rappahannock counties and the cities of Charlottesville, Danville and Martinsville, plus under a special arrangement, King George County. The agency currently serves 212 schools with 99,000 kids, 15 parks and recreation departments, three Boys & Girls Clubs and two YMCAs in 27 counties and three independent cities. We have also gotten tennis into PE classes in 37 additional schools with 16,000 students in communities outside our service area.