One of the Henry County Food Pantry’s mottos is attributed to Mahatma Ghandi, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others,” and that is the pantry’s goal every day, according to Sharon Mills, vice president and treasurer.
Located at 3321 Fairystone Park Highway in Bassett, the pantry provides food, household items and resources to families in need, partnering with other organizations which support its work.
Nilit Global is one such partner. Employees from the company situated in Ridgeway recognized Good Deeds Day by visiting the pantry and delivering boxes of items that will benefit local families.
Although Good Deeds Day, a global annual day of doing good, highlights the pantry’s mission, the pantry desperately needs items every day for local families, homeless, children, and even pets.
The food pantry needs shelf-stable foods that can be stored without refrigeration, such as canned fruits and vegetables, canned soups and stews, canned meats like tuna, chicken, SPAM and the like.
Other welcome additions are rice, pasta, dried beans and legumes, pasta sauces and grave, instant noodles and potatoes and oatmeal.
Other items needed are cleaning supplies, personal hygiene products, socks and underwear for children and pet food. Some used items are also accepted, like car seats (must be in date), baby cribs, clothing and furniture.