POST: Hi everyone, thanks for letting me join the Snarple Repair Help Group. I just picked up a really nice Snarple, but unfortunately, the capacitor at C36 is blown. I can’t make out the specifications on it and I can’t find a schematic online. Can anyone tell me the value of the capacitor at C36? Thanks in advance!
REPLY 1: Why did you buy a Snarple? You’d be much better off with a Blarple.
REPLY 2: Did you try plugging it in?
REPLY 3: That Snarple can’t be fixed … I’ll take it off your hands for five bucks! 🙂
REPLY 4: I’ve been repairing Snarples for 40 years and I’ve never seen one with a blown capacitor at C36. I’m looking at a Snarple right now and C36 is fine. I can read the values on it perfectly.
REPLY 5: Someone posted this exact same question on the Usenet forum alt.snarple in 1998. I recommend you do your research.
REPLY 6: I’ve got three Snarples in my garage and they’re all in much better shape. I hope you didn’t pay too much.
REPLY 7: If you’re looking to trade, I have a really nice wheelbarrow I’d be willing to let go. All it needs is a new wheel.
REPLY 8: If you don’t even know the value of the capacitor at C36 then you really shouldn’t be trying to repair a Snarple yourself. You should take it to someone who actually knows what they’re doing.
REPLY 9: Oh wow, a Snarple! I remember the first time I ever saw one. My dad took me to the boardwalk and I remember seeing a whole bunch of folks lined up at the Snarple. Then my dad took me to get some french fries at this little stand. That was back when they had those square glass bottles of vinegar with the little hole in the cap that you could sprinkle on your fries. Whatever happened to those? Anyway, we were getting ready to eat our fries when this flock of seagulls just came out of nowhere and carried off the whole container. My dad was FURIOUS! He went back to the stand and asked the guy for some replacement fries, and the fry guy said my dad would have to pay for them. My dad told the guy that was B.S., seagulls stole the fries, and the fry guy said, “What, do you think the seagulls are on my payroll or something?” Well, that set dad off and we ended up getting escorted back to the parking lot by security. My dad came back the next day with a .22 rifle to give the seagulls some payback, but the security guys recognized him and I guess they kind of misinterpreted the situation and my dad ended up going to jail for awhile. He still hates seagulls to this day, so we ended up moving to Lebanon, Kansas because it’s the geographic center of the contiguous United States and he figured there wouldn’t be any seagulls there. Now he has a job sweeping the floors at a factory that makes prescription pants for people who were born with unfortunate legs. Anyway, thanks for sharing the pic of your Snarple! I have no idea how to fix them.
REPLY 10: It’s a 150uf 160V radial capacitor. I’ve included a few high-resolution photos. Good luck with the repair!
REPLY 11: That Snarple is a total loss, I’ll give you five bucks for it 🙂