Piedmont Arts will host Make Some Noise, the first in a series of open mic nights, on July 20, at 7 p.m., at the museum.
Participants are invited to grab the mic and express themselves through music, poetry, comedy, or spoken word in a safe, creative space. Slots will be capped at five minutes to ensure all participants get a chance to share their work. Sign-up sheets will be available at the door. A guest emcee will host each event.
Event dates and details:
– July 20, 7 p.m., Piedmont Arts, hosted by Natalie Hodge, local author, content creator, and founder of Rudy’s Girl Media.
– Oct. 12, 7 p.m., Piedmont Arts, hosted by Bryan Hancock, hip hop artist and

creator of Soul Sessions in Roanoke, Va.
– Feb. 28, 7 p.m., Piedmont Arts, hosted by Monique Holland, a local writer.
– May 9, 6:30 p.m., Gravely-Lester Art Garden following an outdoor theatre performance, hosted by Chase Young of Rives on the Road.
Admission is free. Cash bar. For more information, visit PiedmontArts.org.