Preschool in the Galleries at Piedmont Arts took place on Tuesday morning. Preschool in the Galleries is a series of programs for pre-K students designed to foster a love of the performing and visual arts at a young age. Performances are free of charge and all area preschool classes and homeschool students are invited to attend. Carlisle School’s theatre troupe, ZipZapZop, performed an entertaining and engaging Dr. Seuss-inspired musical for over 150 audience members. After the performance, another preschool group took part in a planting day for Piedmont Arts’ new pollinator path and played in the Discovery Room.
Leading students into the room through a colorful tunnel of linked arms and jazz hands, Carlisle School’s ZipZapZop troupe started the first of two performances in the Frith Performance Hall with high energy and a welcoming spirit. Young students were mesmerized by a collection of fun games, music, and spectacle; all serving a theme of acceptance, kindness, and love.
After the first performance, preschool students from First Presbyterian Weekday School went outside and assisted C.D. Prillaman of Prillaman Landscape Dimensions plant the first garden bed of the Piedmont Arts’ Pollinator Path. Equipped with trowels, mulch, and fertilizer, the children dug holes with Prillaman and planted black-eyed Susans, dogwoods, and other small shrubs. Prillaman tasked them with returning in a couple of weeks to see if the plants have started growing. This garden bed will be the first of many surrounding the new pollinator trail, partially funded by the Harvest Foundation’s Project Hope, a granting opportunity to inspire hope in the community.