The 45th annual JEB Stuart Art Show will be on exhibition at the Reynolds Homestead beginning September 10 and running through October 23.
Both virtual and in-person opportunities to view the show will be available.
Judged this year by Radford artist P. Buckley Moss and her daughter Becky Ghezzi, the show features 36 artists and 70 works on display in media including oil, acrylic and watercolor painting, three dimensional, drawing, and mixed media. Artists from Patrick, Henry, Carroll and Franklin counties in Virginia and Stokes and Surry counties in North Carolina are featured.
The awards ceremony will be virtual this year and will be held on Thursday, September 10 at 6 p.m. via Zoom. To receive the link to join the ceremony, interested participants should visit the Reynolds Homestead Facebook page or the website at www.reynoldshomestead.vt.edu. During the ceremony a special message from Moss and Ghezzi will be shown, as well as a virtual look at the entire show.
For those who would like to see the show in person, the exhibition will be open by appointment only for viewing by groups of 6 at a time. Hours for appointments are Fridays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Sundays, from 1 to 4 p.m.
Visitors are asked to make their weekend appointments no later than the Thursday before so staffing can be arranged. Masks are required for all visitors to the Reynolds Homestead. To make an appointment to view the exhibition, visit the Homestead website.