A grant from the United Way will help promote agritourism and agriculturally based learning by funding internship opportunities at the Infinity Acres Ranch.
The funds allow the ranch to offer two junior/senior high school students or college freshman a two-month paid internship during June and July. Those selected for the post would work an average of 6 hours a day, 5 days per week, with a flexible schedule for 8 weeks, according to an announcement from Laura and Rick Steere, who own the ranch.
The interns will learn animal husbandry, handling and training skills while assisting with community events, administrative tasks, and summer camps at the ranch. Upon successful completion, the individual will be awarded a $3,000 stipend.

Applicants may submit their resumes and the completed application no later than 5 p.m. on May 20, either by email to Infinityacresva@gmail.com, or mail or delivery to Infinity Acres Ranch 136 Joppa Road, Ridgeway, VA 24148
Applicants will be contacted to schedule an interview, with a decision expected by the end of May.
Career fields that would benefit are veterinarian, vet tech, zoology, education, outdoor recreation, business management, non-profit administration, animal trainer, parks and recreation, camp counselor, therapist, biologist, agritourism, marketing, zookeeper and others.
The facility’s tag line for outreach is “Stay Local, Learn Global,” and Infinity Acres Ranch has animals from around the world. Volunteer opportunities are also available