Tim Hall’s time as County Administrator and Public Service Authority (PSA) General Manager for Henry County ended Thursday, June 30. At his final meeting of the Henry County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, Hall was honored with two resolutions.

Del. Danny Marshall, R-Danville, attended the meeting to present House Joint Resolution No. 399 commending Hall who, he said, “has ably served the residents of Henry County for nearly a decade” in his dual roles.
The resolution stated that “during Tim Hall’s tenure, Henry County announced more than $500 million in capital investments representing more than 3,600 new jobs in the region” and that Hall “has served the Henry County community with the utmost dedication, integrity, and distinction.”
Horsepasture District Supervisor Debra Buchanan read a joint resolution of the Henry County Board of Supervisors and the PSA honoring Hall who, the resolution noted, retired after “31 years of combined service with Henry County, Henry County Public Schools, and the Henry County Public Service Authority.”
“Not only did Mr. Hall dedicate himself to public service professionally, but he also proved himself as a community champion through his involvement with numerous boards and committees,” Buchanan read.

The resolution stated that “initiatives led by Mr. Hall have added to the quality of life for our citizens, from the expansion of Public Safety through additional ambulances to the extension of water lines to several underserved communities” and that Hall “has been instrumental to the economic development of Henry County.”
“The seismic impact of Mr. Hall’s tenure as County Administrator and PSA General Manager can visibly ben seen in the changing landscape of Henry County through the development of Commonwealth Crossing Business Centre, the Dick & Willie Trail, the Philpott Marina and Campground, Meadow View Elementary School and the Adult Detention Center,” the resolution stated.
“The true measure of a leader’s legacy doesn’t merely lie in the creation of tangible objects but rather in the hearts and minds of those they have left behind to complete a vision once thought to be nothing more than a dream,” Buchanan read.
“Now, therefore be it jointly resolved, that the Henry County Board of Supervisors and the Henry County Public Service Authority hereby congratulates Tim Hall on his retirement and thanks him for his many years of dedicated service to the people of Henry County.

“Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Vice-chairman Joe Bryant said, “I have had the privilege to serve with Mr. Hall for more than 13 years,” and recalled that he came onto the board at “a quite trying time,” when unemployment in the county was in double digits and progress on Commonwealth Crossings was hitting roadblock after roadblock.
Bryant shared a quote from Chinese philosopher Confucius. “It doesn’t matter how slow you go, so long as you don’t stop,” he quoted. “There were several times in that process that we could have stopped, could have thrown in the towel and said there were too many regulations. Through the guidance of Tim Hall and his staff and us as supervisors, we managed to overcome that.”
Bryant commended the great leadership in the county’s administration.
“My hat’s off to you, Mr. Hall,” he said.
Buchanan said that she served on the interview panel when Hall was hired as the county’s Public Information Officer in 1998.
“I can honestly say that, above and beyond, he stood out. We were fortunate enough then to hire him as our county administrator. I think anyone that serves in public service in a leadership position knows that they cannot always please everyone and that’s just part of the job, but I think you’ve handled it well. You’ve done an outstanding job in Henry County and we’re certainly going to miss you.”
“It’s been a good ride,” said Chairman Jim Adams, noting that he would get emotional saying more.
“I don’t like pomp and circumstance when it involves me,” Hall told the board. “So, I’ll just say this: thank you.”
Here he paused, collecting himself, as his eyes welled with tears.
“It’s been an honor to work for you and with you and with the people in this room.”
Hall was met with a standing ovation.