Last spring, the Bassett Library Steering Committee and the Blue Ridge Regional Library system launched a $2.25 million capital campaign supporting an extensive renovation and expansion of the Bassett Library with the Harvest Foundation investing $396,184 to jumpstart the project.
“Since the announcement in March of 2023 we have received donations from our patrons, many civic organizations, and residents of Martinsville and Henry County,” said Bassett Branch manager Karen Barley. “We have received $10,000 from the Friends of the Library and donations from several foundations. We also received a grant from Women in Philanthropy for $10,000; as well as a community grant for $5,000 and a few anonymous donations. Currently, Henry County and the West Piedmont Planning District are helping us apply for additional grants.”
Barley said that in addition to applying for grants, the Steering Committee of the Bassett Expansion Project is holding fundraising events.
“This past fall we had a ‘Touch a Truck’ fundraiser, and we were thrilled with the members of the community that participated in the event,” Barley said. “Our next fundraiser will be a Thirty-One Bingo at the Heritage Center, the former Bassett Country Club on Saturday, April 27; doors will open at 4 p.m. and bingo will begin at 5 p.m. A bingo pack for twenty games will be $20; and we will also have door prize tickets, silent auction items, a 50/50 drawing, and concessions for sale.”
Barley, who has worked at the Bassett Branch Library for 39 years, said that “a public library is no longer just books.”
“Today’s libraries are more of a community center,” she said, “a place to go for information, to enrich, educate and entertain.”
Barley said the Bassett library offers programs for all ages, such as basic computer classes, health and wellness programs, arts and crafts, STEM programs, as well as weekly early childhood education programs.
“The staff at Bassett also provides help to job seekers who need to apply for jobs online and we provide help preparing and attaching resumes to those online applications,” she said.
“We also help patrons with online applications for Social Security, financial aid (FAFSA), DMV, and other online forms. We also provide free tax forms during the tax season,” Barley added.
“In an area that has suffered job loss due to closures of plants resulting in an economically depressed area, the library offers free computer and internet access as well as free wi-fi to connect personal devices. Bassett Branch Library also participates in the USDA Summer Feeding program to provide free lunches to children 18 and younger, when school is not in session,” she added.

The existing library building was a former dress shop/florist which was built in 1932 by Clark Construction. Before acquiring the building, the library shared the building across the street with the Bassett Historical Society.
In 1996, the Blue Ridge Regional Library (BRRL) formed a committee to begin fundraising efforts to purchase the library’s current facility due to space limitations for increasing programs. The renovations were completed in December of 1998.
Once again, the library finds itself in need of additional space for added services and storage to meet the needs of the community.
“Currently the Bassett Branch Library is 6,000 square feet with one small meeting room that will hold only 12 people with two tables and chairs,” Barley said. “We are using this meeting room for all programs, and often have standing room only especially during the children’s programs. With our collection growing, as well as the number of people in attendance at programs, we are simply running out of room.”
In 2019, the BRRL Board agreed to consult with an architect to investigate expansion possibilities. It chose a Blacksburg firm that specializes in renovating libraries. The pandemic slowed progress, but by 2021, the completed architectural drawings by architect Glenn Reynolds were finalized, and the BRRL Board decided to move forward with fundraising. The plans will increase the size of the library from 6.000 to 10,000 square feet.
Renovations include developing a dedicated area for computers, a larger meeting room that can accommodate 50 people with storage, a kitchenette, and updated restrooms. Additionally, the meeting room will serve as a free community meeting space during and after library hours.
Two planned entrances will alleviate challenges for ingress and egress. Additional handicapped parking and a drive-thru window with a book drop will further provide safe travel in and around the building.
Barley said the renovations will also support dedicated staff at the library with a new and more centralized library branch manager’s office, employee break room, working space, and added storage for library equipment central to the circulation desk.
The Blue Ridge Regional Library Foundation accepts donations at any branch location, through its website at brrlfoundation.org, or via mail at BRRL Foundation-Bassett Expansion Project, Bassett Branch Library, 3969 Fairystone Park Highway, Bassett, VA 24055. The Blue Ridge Regional Library Foundation is a 501c3 and donations are tax deductible.