The Martinsville-Henry County Firefighter’s Association’s Fire Safety Trailer is back in service after a lengthy restoration process.

Lee Cooley, president of the association, said the trailer is used as a prop when teaching children and adults fire safety.
“We actually take kids in, show them the kitchen. We take them into a living room, and we’ll sit there and talk about safety,” Cooley said. “Then, we smoke it up and they’ll sit there and see how the smoke rolls.”
The simulation-like trailer resembles a camper. It includes a kitchen, living room, bedroom, hallway, and stair area, and balcony.
When the smoke detector sounds the alarm, “we teach them how to get out,” Cooley said. “We show them how to roll out of the bed and things like that” to help save a life in the event of a fire at home.

Cooley said the restoration was needed after the trailer became damaged from setting out in the weather too long. The trailer now has smoke machines, smoke alarms, heat simulators, and cameras.
He estimates the cost of restoration, including labor, was about $20,000.
“We raised money and paid for it. The guys donated their time in Martinsville City and Henry County putting it back together,” he said.
Cooley said the association is in dire need of a place to permanently house the trailer.
“It’s so tall, it won’t go in none of the stations,” he said of the 12 feet, 6-inch-tall trailer. “We found places. We moved it from here to there until we finally finished it up.”
The trailer is currently available for training and was recently used by the Horsepasture Volunteer Fire Department.
Those interested in scheduling training may contact their local fire department or the association.