Martinsville High School will host a drive thru graduation ceremony for the Class of 2020 on Saturday, May 23, beginning at 11:30 a.m.
Students and families will enter the Martinsville High School campus on Fairy Street, and travel north to the entrance of the tennis courts.
Please ONLY one vehicle per family.
Please remain in your vehicles and follow the outlined directions of law enforcement and school personnel.
Travel as directed, maintaining appropriate distancing between vehicles.
One point will be designated for students to quickly leave their vehicles to take a picture with Strawbridge Studios, or to take their own picture.
Also on Saturday, fees, textbooks, uniforms, and other school board property items will be collected from seniors as well.
The remainder of the week can be used to pay fees, turn in textbooks, and uniforms to mitigate congestion.
Students are permitted to come to the school this Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. to pay/pick up Jostens cap and gown orders.
“We have a morning filled with congratulatory events for our students, their family, and friends, Martinsville High School Principal Aji Dixon said of Saturday. “Thank you, students, parents, family, and friends, for allowing us the honor of educating your young people and we look forward to seeing everyone Saturday.”