(Event information/calendar items must be received by 5 p.m. on Tuesday before the desired publication date. Email to dhall@theenterprise.net.)
Tuesday, March 11
Ridgeway Town Council’s regular meeting, 6:30 p.m., Mayor’s Office, Ridgeway.
Thursday, March 13
City Council Meeting, 7 p.m., Municipal Building Council Chambers, 55 W. Church Street, Martinsville.
Friday, March 14
Arts and Cultural Committee Meeting, 1 p.m., Municipal Building Room 31, 55 W. Church Street, Martinsville.
Monday, March 17
PSA Board of Directors Regular Meeting, 6 p.m., Administration Building Fourth Floor Conference Room, 3300 Kings Mountain Road, Martinsville.
Sunday, March 9
Chamber Music Concert in the courtroom, 3 p.m., MHC Heritage Center and Museum, 1 E Main St, Martinsville.
Monday, March 10
The Friends of the Blue Ridge Regional Library are meeting at 10:30 a.m. in the main branch, 310 E. Church St., Martinsville. All are welcome.
Tuesday, March 11
Debbie Youngman presents a program about her new book, “The True Story of The Christian Cat and the Distillery Dog,” 10:30 a.m., Susan L. Adkins Memorial Meeting Room.
Mushrooming with Health Benefits, 5-6 p.m., Martinsville Main Library. Learn some of the healthy benefits of a fungi during a seminar led by John Rigdon, director of education for Nature’s Outlet. Registration required by calling (276) 403-5430.
Thursday, March 13
Martinville Main Library, 310 Church St. E, Martinsville, hosts a free movie matinee for adults ages 18 & up. For movie details, call (276) 403-5430.
Tuesday, March 18
The Martinsville -Henry County Republican Committee meets at 6:30 p.m. at the Henry County Administration Building, Summerlin Room, 3300 Kings Mountain Road, Martinsville. Regular meetings are set for the 3rd Tuesday every month, at the same time and place.
Lucky the Leprechaun’s Rainbow Challenge, 4-5 p.m., Martinsville Main Library, St. Patrick’s Day edition of the STEAM challenge. Attendees will be tasked with engineering a leprechaun house and conduct the milk rainbow science experiment. Registration is required by calling (276) 403-5430.
Saturday, March 22
Waders & Waddlers Education Station at the Virginia Museum of Natural History in Martinsville. One day only, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Highlights include Be a Science Sleuth – activity for kids; Meet a Philpott Lake Park Ranger; learn “Why we don’t feed crackers to ‘quackers’ and more. First public view of waterfowl specimens from the museum vault. Presented by the SW Piedmont Chapter of Virginia Master Naturalists, the Virginia Museum of Natural History and the Army Corps of Engineers.’ For more info: https://www.vmnh.net/plan-your-visit.
Through Friday, March 14
Piedmont Arts is accepting nominations for local businesses and individuals that are involved in and support Piedmont Arts and other arts and cultural organizations. Recipients of the Clyde Hooker Award will be honored at a special reception Nominations due by 5 p.m. at PiedmontArts.org/info/clyde-hooker-awards.cfm.
Through April 7
Strickland Brothers 10 Minute Oil Change (formerly known as Kwik Lube) locations at 700 Liberty St., Martinsville, and 6518 Greensboro Road, Ridgeway, are accepting monetary donations to support local school teachers in need of supplies, technology, snacks, etc. The goal is to raise $50,000 that will be evenly distributed between school divisions in Henry County and Martinsville.
Uptown Pub Run, Mondays at 6.p.m., meets at Renewal Brewing 32 Franklin St, Martinsville.
The Martinsville-Henry County Lions Club regularly meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Pacific Bay Restaurant, 530 Commonwealth Blvd, Martinsville.
The Bassett Ruritan Club, 277 Philpott Dam Road, Bassett, hosts breakfast on the 2nd Saturday of each month, $9 for adults, and $4 for children under 12. All you can eat, sausage, fried bologna, eggs, cooked apples, sausage gravy, biscuits, made-to-order pancakes, coffee, and juice. Dine in or carry out.
AWANA meets at Blackberry Baptist Church on Sundays, from 4-6 p.m.
Book Bingo on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the Martinsville Branch of the Blue Ridge Regional Library, 11 a.m. to noon. Call (276) 403-5430 to register.
Bassett Ruritan Club hosts Rook Music & More on Fridays from 10 a.m. – noon. Play Rook, work puzzles, make a craft and listen to a mixture of bluegrass, country & gospel music by different bands each week. If you want, bring a snack to share. This event is free to the public. Any donations received will go to the Bassett Ruritan Club to pay for electricity etc.
The Blue Ridge Regional Library offers free one-day passes to the Virginia Museum of Natural History and the Henry County YMCA with your library card. The passes are good for one day and exclude special events. There is a wait period before you can check out the pass again. For more details and exclusions, visit brrl.lib.va.us.
TOPS FIELDALE VA 0626 meets on Tuesdays at 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Bassett Public Library, 3969 Fairystone Hwy, Bassett. New members are welcome. For more information, please call Patti Farmer (276) 358-0489.
The Henry County Adult Learning Center offers free in-house and online classes to help prepare for college, career, or earn your high school equivalency or GED. Call (276) 647-9585.
Neighbors in the Know. Join staff and volunteers in the Hylton Library at the Spencer Penn Centre for activities and socializing on the first and third Monday of each month. A different presentation and activity weekly, followed by a way to get you moving. The program is an hour long and activities for children will be provided. Every third Monday, 10-11 a.m., a music program will be provided. This free program is perfect for all ages. Registration is not required.