By Taylor Boyd
COVID-19 cases are continuing to decrease in the Patrick County Public Schools system, according to Patrick County Public Schools COVID-19 dashboard.
Schools Superintendent Dean Gilbert said he thinks the number of quarantines the school system is encountering is due to family members potentially having the virus or encountering someone suspected of being positive for COVID-19.
“We still have some positive cases, but I think our mitigation strategies and what we’re doing at schools are working. It seems like so far things are headed in the right direction this last week or two,” he said.
Gilbert said he is hopeful that cases will continue to trend downwards, but since there is still the possibility of encountering more cases or variants, he can’t be sure.
“We were a little concerned this week because it’s been a week and a half since Labor Day weekend, and those holidays do tend to see an uptick in cases, but so far it’s actually continued to trend down,” he said.
Patrick County
As of Wednesday, Sept. 15 the Patrick County Public Schools dashboard suggested there were 35 positive cases and 113 quarantines in the school system, a decline of 17 cases and 73 quarantines for the school system.
This marks the second week a row the dashboard has shown a decline in quarantines and cases for the school division.
The dashboard suggested there were 23 cases and 42 quarantines at Patrick County High School, a decline of 11 cases and 36 students and staff in quarantine from the previous week’s report.
The dashboard also suggests that all of the elementary schools, except for Woolwine Elementary School, have a minimum of five in quarantine and two positive cases, except for Meadows of Dan Elementary School, which has no positive cases for the second week in a row.
The data shows that all of the schools had a decrease in quarantines, except for Blue Ridge Elementary School, which had an increase of nine quarantines. Quarantines at Hardin Reynolds Memorial School are reported to have decreased from 24 to seven, Meadows of Dan decreased by eight quarantines, Stuart Elementary School decreased to 19 people in quarantine, and Patrick Springs Primary School had its quarantine count drop by nine in quarantine.
There were no reported cases or quarantines in Woolwine Elementary School, the Central Office, Transportation Office, Maintenance Department, or the Technology Department, according to the dashboard.
The Patrick County Public School COVID-19 Dashboard is updated by the close of business each Wednesday. It can be viewed at www.patrick.k12.va.us/families/covid-19_dashboard.

Henry County
In Henry County Public Schools, data suggested that as of September 17, there were 36 positive cases and 161 quarantines. This is an increase of nine cases and seven quarantines from the previous week.
The data suggests Magna Vista High School has nine positive cases and 42 students and staff in quarantine, the highest in the division. Bassett High School is reported to have eight cases and 24 quarantines, and Laurel Park Middle School has six cases and 25 quarantines.
The data suggests all of the elementary schools have a minimum of one person in quarantine and one positive case, except for Sanville Elementary School, which has no reported positive cases.
There were no reported cases or quarantines in the Axton Annex, Career Academy, and Outside Programs.
The Henry County Public School division dashboard is updated every Friday by the end of the business day. It can be viewed at www.henry.k12.va.us/Page/22823.

The Martinsville City Public Schools COVID-19 dashboard is updated every Friday morning. It can be viewed at www.martinsville.k12.va.us/division-updates/covid-19/covid-19-data-dashboard.
City of Martinsville
Martinsville City Public Schools is reported to have 10 confirmed cases amongst its students, and one confirmed case amongst its employees. This is an increase of six cases for the school division.
Five of the positive cases are in Martinsville High School, three are at Albert Harris Elementary School, and two are at Patrick Henry Elementary School.
The dashboard can be viewed at www.martinsville.k12.va.us/division-updates/covid-19/covid-19-data-dashboard.