American Legion Homer Dillard Post #78 offers Flag Courtesy Classes to local elementary schools as part of its Americanism efforts.
The purpose of the class is, “to build patriotism in our youth and to develop a thorough understanding of the proper flag display and courtesy.”
In the last academic school year, the class was given to fifth-graders at Albert Harris, G. W. Carver, and Meadow View Elementary Schools. This school year the class was given to fifth graders at Rich Acres, Axton, Stanleytown, Sanville, and Drewry Mason elementary schools. On Wednesday, February 22, the class was given to fifth graders at Patrick Henry Elementary School in Martinsville, thus completing all elementary schools in Martinsville and Henry County.
Each student attending the class was given a composition notebook donated by Commander Sonny Richardson, and his daughter Pam.
Pictured in the attached photo from left to right, (front row) are Jonathan Hodge, Maya Williams, DeMari Clark, and Elaina Hairston. (Back row) Commander Richardson, Vance Hairston, David Penn, (Principal) Cameron Cooper and Curtis Millner, Sr.