Students at Albert Harris Elementary School came together for an after-school presentation celebrating African American history. The event featured student-created presentation boards and live portrayals of influential Black figures, such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Marie Maynard Daly. The goal was to educate classmates and visitors about the impact these individuals had on the country.

This annual event is a highlight for the school’s fifth graders.
“We started working on this about three weeks ago because we had to do a lot of research. They had to find pictures, make a poster board, and write an essay, so it takes a long time,” said teacher Tracy Keith.
Teachers noted that students were excited to participate, even competing to attract the most visitors to their displays.
“They were telling people they had candy when they didn’t,” Keith said with a laugh.
Students dressed as their chosen historical figures, with some debating over who would get to portray certain individuals.
“The kids really look forward to being able to play a person in Black history, and the other kids get to learn a lot,” said Assistant Principal Jill Holder. “They all rehearse their little speeches.”
Jasmine Hairston, one of the participating students, said she enjoyed learning about historical figures, including some she had never heard of before, such as Daisy Bates and Daly.
“Some of the people I’ve never heard of before,” Hairston said.
Students expressed enthusiasm for their projects, saying they felt creative and engaged in the learning process.
One student, who portrayed Martin Luther King Jr., said she enjoyed playing him because “He was an activist and a very good man.” She was also excited for her friends to see her presentation.
Another student, who researched Daisy Bates, admired her resilience.
“She never stopped giving up,” the student said. She also felt the event could help people learn to read.
A student who portrayed Kobe Bryant said he chose the basketball star because “I feel like he’s the best basketball player.” He enjoyed typing his report to ensure everyone could read it.
The annual Black history celebration at Albert Harris Elementary continues to inspire students, encouraging them to learn about influential figures and share their knowledge with the community.