*Use caution when in public spaces and remain a minimum of six feet away from others.* *Facemasks are strongly recommended when in public settings. *
MHC Coalition for Health and Wellness: Offers no contact application assistance for Virginia’s free or low-cost Medicaid plans (Children’s Medicaid/FAMIS, pregnancy Medicaid and Adult Health Care (birth to 64-year-olds). Applications completed by phone (no contact). Call or text Ann Walker (276) 732-0509 to see if you qualify.
Virginia Museum of Natural History: Now open Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Open on Sundays from 1-5 p.m.
Saturday, August 8
Gobblin’ Thunder Poker Run: The Henry Co. Longbeards will host its inaugural poker run. This will be a fundraising event for the chapter to help the National Organization to meet their needs during COVID-19. This event will be held at Jack Dalton Park in Collinsville. Registration will begin at 9 a.m., kickstands up at 11 a.m. There will prizes given for the best hand and worst, plus many more door prizes. Hamburger/hot dog early dinner follows the ride. The entry cost will be $20 per vehicle. Register the day of the event or follow the link below to pre-register. Donations also are accepted. To pre-register or donate, visit https://events.nwtf.org/460071-2020
Blackberry Baptist Church: Blackberry Baptist is hosting a Bible Club Day from 1-5 p.m., for students that are entering 1-6th grade. Due to Executive Orders on Health and Safety guidelines, they can only safely host the first 50 children that sign up. Children in the same family, will be kept in the same tour group. Those attending, will be “Briefed for Security Check” as an agent! (This means they will have their temperature taken before entering.) Please know that should any child in a family have a temperature, no children in that family will be admitted.
Due to Health and Safety guidelines, they cannot run our vans for this activity. All transportation must be provided by family members.
Wednesday, August 12
New College Institute: In 2016, Ryan Orton toured over 100 national parks during their 100th Anniversary Celebration. With his family in tow he completed the tour in 200 days. In this lecture, “LIFE: The Logistics of Long Term RV-ing,” he will cover preparation, what he learned along the way, and how he managed his life post expedition. Lecture from 12-1:30 p.m. Presented by Ryan Orton, NCI Coordinator of Business Relations & Alumni Outreach. Contact Brian Stanley at bstanley@newcollegeinstitute.org to register.
Friday, August 14
Spencer-Penn Centre: Music Night at Spencer Penn Centre. Doors open at 5 p.m. Open mic at 5:30 p.m. invites all who want to get on stage and play. The Shelton Brothers and The Country Boys are scheduled bands and begin at 6 p.m. Admission: $5 at the door. Concessions are available. For more information, call (276) 957-5757.
Saturday, August 15
Smith River Mile: The Martinsville Speedway Mile is now The Smith River Mile. Same date. Same distance. New name. New course. Run starts at 7 p.m.
The Smith River Mile is a salute to the historical allure of the one-mile run. What runner isn’t familiar with the first sub 4-minute mile run by Sir Roger Bannister? Typically, runners experience the one mile run only as part of a track meet. Most often at a high school or college track team event. This race will not be run on a standard 400-meter track, but rather at a unique venue. The Smith River Mile will be run at the Smith River Sports Complex in Henry County. Course is one lap around soccer fields on concrete footpaths and asphalt surfaces. Race will be run in multiple small heats to facilitate social distancing. COVID-19 precautions will be observed. Liquid refreshments and awards to follow. Fee varies from $15 to $25. Contact: (276) 252-2011.