I’m sorry; I can’t.
We’re doing vacation for three weeks.
No – not ON vacation for three weeks. Being ON vacation is actually only four days, separated into two separate weekends. We’re DEALING with vacation for about three weeks.
Me and my big fat mouth. It all escalated during one blissful moment enjoying the magnitude of the beauty of the Outer Banks. Wanting to repeat the thrill of travel as soon as possible, I blurted out, “It’s almost Memorial Day weekend – an extra day off work. Let’s go camping then!”
“We’ll see,” he said, which usually means “No,” but after a pause, he added, “we could take the camper.”
It was an exciting thought, at the time. However, during that 6-hour ride home Sunday evening, I started to dread what-all I would have to do during the work week ahead.
There’s catching up on housework (that includes changing litter boxes and bird-cage papers and watering thirsty plants, doing all the laundry from the trip, putting things away and preparing for upcoming dinners and lunches for the work week.
I was already worn out from spending the evenings after work preparing for the two-day getaway: doing the laundry, cleaning the house, preparing the pets, watering the plants, pretty much everything I’d have to do all over again once I got home, but also, packing clothes, books, activities and snacks.
It took several evenings after work just getting things back in order after Trip 1. Then there was a weekend filled with kids’ activities, until Monday evening, when preparing for Trip 2 began.
There was helping set up and air out the camper; washing and folding all the sheets and towels, let alone clothes, for the trip. There’s planning out a menu, then shopping, doing a little advance cooking; portioning out ingredients so they wouldn’t take up too much room in the cooler or cabinet. There’s packing clothes, boots, books, games, cooking fuel, firewood. Oh! Don’t forget the lights, chargers, bug spray, sunscreen, dishwashing detergent, soap, pots, pans, and fancy things such as spatulas, and do we need a whisk? Do we need to bring toilet paper? Am I taking the right kinds of vacations – if that’s even a question?
Planning for this trip has ruined the week and rushed me each night after work. The vegetable garden hasn’t even been planted yet, and weeds have taken over the flower beds, with no time to tend either one in sight.
Alas, we will try to enjoy a long weekend camping without thinking about what the following week back home will bring: unpacking, washing, sorting, storing, night after night.
Sometimes, we need a vacation from vacations.