The Virginia Department of Education is seeking partners to participate in the commonwealth’s Summer Food Service Program to ensure that children have access to nutritious meals during months when school is not in session.
The department reimburses approved organizations for meals served and for associated administrative costs. In addition, all participants receive training and technical assistance from VDOE.
The Summer Food Service Program operates at sites such as schools, public housing centers, community centers, playgrounds, camps, parks and churches. Organizations that may qualify to participate in the program include public and private schools, local governments, public and nonprofit private residential summer camps, and faith-based and community-based non-profit organizations.
VDOE’s approximately 160 summer meals partner organizations served more than 13 million meals to Virginia’s children between June and August last year.
The program — which is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture — allows organizations to combine a feeding program with another activity in communities where at least 50 percent of the children are eligible for free and reduced-price meals.
Information for organizations interested in applying to participate in the Summer Food Service Program — including details on application deadlines — is available on the VDOE website.
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