Del. Wren Williams, R-Stuart, voted to pass a historic Voter-ID law following his campaign promise to secure Virginia’s elections. HB544, which allows Virginia voters to secure their individual votes through opt-in Photo ID, passed the House 51-49, with Williams casting a deciding vote. Williams, who sits on the Committee for Privileges and Elections, previously supported HB544 through committee.
The passing of HB544 in the Virginia House marks a fulfilled campaign promise for Williams, who had pledged throughout the campaign to carry and support legislation securing Virginia’s elections. Before seeking office, Williams volunteered for Trump’s legal team to aid the 2020 recount effort in Wisconsin. Williams worked for nearly two months adjudicating ballots on the courtroom floor, where he compiled hard and detailed evidence of fraud and abuse by election officials and party/campaign/community organizers affecting more than 200,000 ballots. After the Wisconsin Supreme Court decided to kick the case on a technicality by one vote, Williams resolved to work on securing elections through the state legislative process. The passage of HB544 through the Virginia House marks the first achievement towards that end.
“A year ago, Election Integrity was a main reason why I decided to run for office,” Williams said. “While I was volunteering in Wisconsin for Trump’s legal team, I saw firsthand how rogue bureaucrats gave a pass to illegal ballot harvesting and committed fraud by illegally curing absentee ballots. Something had to be done, so I ran for office. I promised my constituents that I would fight to stop fraud and safeguard our elections here in Virginia. Passing HB554 in the House is our first big step towards fulfilling that promise.
“But this is just the beginning. I look forward to passing more election-integrity legislation, which will go even further to secure our elections and assure voters that our democratic system is trustworthy,” he said.
The proposal will be considered by the Senate at a later date.